After more than 6 years of attempts to take the exam I finally passed it. The exam for me was always a form of checking myself and learning how keep up with network technology. At work I touch real equipment every day, but to have my own lab is the basis :) Being honest with the virtual lab (like virl , eve-ng or gns3) is the fastest. The first approach was in 2012 to version 3, then in 2016 to v4, in 2017 v5, in 2018 again to v5. I can see how the exam has changed in three versions. The most important of course is the division into sections: Troubleshooting, Diagnostics, Configuration. And good, because technology is changing, approach to network design, management, automation and technical support, etc.
A few tips for the exam:
1. Manage and respect time - the most important thing right after knowledge
2. At the beginning of exam check the topology and questions carefully
3. Sleep well before the exam and eat a nutritious breakfast, during the exam a light dinner for almost 2k $ ;)
4. Complete the Troubleshooting section as soon as you can
5. Do not be afraid to ask questions to Proctor
6. Take very short coffee breaks to stretch your legs and rest your eyes
7. Select the completed tasks on the paper, do not return to them and do not waste time
8. Several chocolate bars will help the brain to work hard for 8 hours
9. Quickly write on the keyboard (learn to write with five fingers)